Hellooooo and happy Tuesday!
This newsletter is positively overflowing with exciting goodies, so please be sure to read to the very end! But first, the announcement we've all been waiting not-so-patiently for....
If you supported the Kickstarter and/or preordered yours before April 2nd, KEEP AN EYE ON THAT MAILBOX! ***Just PLEASE make sure your address is correct by messaging Britt TODAY with any changes or updates!!*** We'll send you tracking info as soon as we have it, likely starting next week!
For everyone else who ordered after April 2nd, our next shipment is estimated to arrive right here in Colorado on July 10th! You can literally track the cargo vessel's ("YM WISH") progress here! Britt and I are on standby with a logistics team and tie-dye hard hats to start shipping out those books ASAFP!

(No, really. We'll post selfies!)
BTW, if you find yourself getting antsy while waiting for your omnibus to arrive on your doorstep, you can now read the entire Gilded Blood series for 50% off (or FREE if you're a KU subscriber)! Also, if you're an audiobook fan, keep an eye out for an exciting announcement later this month!

I know it has been the longest wait EVER and we are so appreciative for your patience and understanding during these months of squirming and calendar-checking! When you finally do get your omnibus, please feel free to tag us in any unboxing videos you may do. We'll never get sick of seeing that gorgeous magenta cover! 😍

Aaaaaand that's not the only seggsy book coming this summer!
As of this week, 1,000 stunning Bone Whisperer Chronicles Special Editions are officially making their way to America! As soon as I get the cargo ship information, we can stalk it--er, track it across the ocean🛳️ I'm working with my project manager to potentially have a few copies air-shipped here early for Denver Fan Expo (July 4-7), where I'll be a featured literary guest and doing several panels! (Topics and times TBA!) So if you plan on being there, be sure to come by and see me!
The rest of the books should arrive at my Colorado warehouse just in time for me to return from San Diego Comic Con (July 24-27). As soon as they do, I'll start signing, packing, and shipping those beauties out into the world! If you haven't preordered your discounted copy yet, you still have a little more time before the price increases in July!
(If you can't see the embedded video, you can check it out on TikTok!)
On the subject of Fan Expo, these are all of the events I'll be signing at this summer. Will I have the pleasure of seeing you at any of them?

As for next year, our list of accepted conventions is already longer than 2024's! 🤯 We'll announce those as soon as the organizers give us the green light!
Speaking of 2025 conventions, if you haven't seen the fiasco I recently posted involving Jennifer Armentrout and ApollyCon '25, I HIGHLY recommend you grab a bag of popcorn and settle in, because that entire white whale expedition was WILD. (How I didn't get banned from ApollyCon for life is still beyond me.)
Cheers and happy reading!❤️

PS: If you made it this far, here's an adorable hamster pic to reward you! His name is Bean and I'm hamster-sitting him for the next month :) Isn't he precious?🥲

PPS: Did you happen to notice my new newsletter banner has one letter in particular that doesn't appear to be from any of my current published books? A little bird tells me a related announcement might just be coming at the end of the month! ;)