I have some super exciting news about the Gilded Blood Complete Series Omnibus! But first, I'd like to take a moment to honor my wrist, which just hand-signed 2,000 title pages (which will then be sent back to the printer to be sewn into the omnibuses). To give you an idea of what 2,000 pages looks like, this is about a tenth of that:
Crazy right? And I thought the paperwork for my mortgage was bad 😅
Anyway, the Big Check™ has been signed, which means the books are officially off to the printing queue! Once they're printed and boxed, they'll be loaded on a cargo boat to cross the ocean, arrive at a U.S. port of entry, undergo customs inspections, then be ground-shipped to Andrew's Texas warehouse. I imagine the books will see a lot of cows and corn on the way, so that'll be fun for them! 🤠🐄🌽 (Good thing the covers are faux leather!)
As for an ETA, it's always hard to give delivery estimates when printers, cargo ships, customs, and cross-country trucks are involved, but we're currently looking at May for an estimated U.S. delivery date! (For those of you who preordered your books for Readers Take Denver, don't worry, we've made special* air freight accommodations to make sure we have those omnibuses ready for you.)
*a.k.a. very, very pricey 😅💸
BTW, if you ever wanted to know what 2,000 chonky books look like, Andrew sent me this picture from his warehouse when I casually mentioned storing the omnibuses in my basement. (These aren't my books, to be clear, but the same number of comparably-sized books.) Each pallet is about 4' x 4' feet and weighs roughly 1,200 pounds. So....yeah. No storing in my basement, methinks 😂
I absolutely cannot wait for these books to arrive and thank you sincerely for your enthusiasm and patience. We set out to make the prettiest darn collector's edition possible, and by golly, I think we did just that!
(BTW, if you haven't seen the omnibus video that's been making waves on Booktok, check it out here!)
In the meantime, thank you so much for stopping by and have a wonderful week ahead!
By the way, I've just been invited to be a featured guest at Dragon Con 2024! If you'll be there, let me know! (FYI, an up-to-date calendar of all of my upcoming appearances and events can be found here.)
Pssst! Some of you have been asking me for romance book recs, so I wanted to tell you about one of my favorite websites, Red Feather Romance! Anytime I'm in a reading slump or searching for my next read, I immediately head over there. They also send you alerts on discounted romance eBooks based on your favorite tropes. If that sounds right up your romance-loving alley, give them a go and let me know what you think! (You might also see a familiar book or two floating around on their website and newsletters 😘)