Yesterday, I told my banana-crazed Renergades that when we hit 1k followers on the Silver Blood Kickstarter, I'd do "something crazy" - which turned out to be prank-calling one of my unsuspecting readers on a random Thursday morning 🤣🍌
When I posted the reel in the reader group, I asked Justin if he knew it was me, and he replied, "NO F*CKING IDEA. I just don't like being mean to telemarketers!" HOW SWEET IS THAT?! 🥲
If you'd like to join the banana-crazed party and potentially receive a prank call from me, come join Rachel's Renergades!
Lastly, the Kickstarter for the Silver Blood/Gilded Blood Deluxe Book set is launching April 1 (no joke)! Come join the other 1,016 followers currently following the project. It's going to be so much fun!!
In the meantime, here's a sneak peek of one of the three brand-new full-page illustrations you'll find inside:

Cheers and have a peel-tastic week ahead!❤️

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