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The rumors are true. I'm having Jim Butcher's love child 👶





Er, wait, did that subject line say "love child"? I meant to say, Jim Butcher and I will both be attending guests at Dragon Con and Once Upon a Con!! Stupid autocorrect!!! 🙄😤

Well, I suppose while I have you, I may as well take a moment to confirm the other spicy rumor swirling around re: me and my books....

(And let me tell you, it's 100000x spicier than me and Jim Butcher making a beautiful urban fantasy baby 👶🍼) It's...


No, your lovely eyeballs do not deceive you - the Silver Blood deluxe edition is already in the works, mostly because the SECOND I announced a white-hot Gilded Blood prequel was coming, you all immediately rushed to my DMs/inbox to forcefully demand I make a special edition Silver Blood hardcover to match the Gilded Blood omnibus.

What you didn't know is that I was already wayyyyyyyyyy ahead of you, as I know what my readers hunger for! Because of that, we are already *almost* ready to go live. I just need to hold off until we get one more piece of artwork (and like 1000 pre-launch followers so the KS algorithm gods will bless our project with favor!!!).


So please go show that follow button some love, because the second this project goes live, likely on or around April 1st, you will NOT want to miss a certain ultra-limited and SUPER exciting early bird reward tier.

And that is all I will be saying about that. (For now!!😉)


Now, does this mean you should hold off on reading Silver Blood until the deluxe edition comes out? DEFINITELY not. While the project will likely be going live in 4 weeks' time, you won't have the book in your hands until summer/fall (you know, assuming we fund 😬🫣).

And in case you haven't heard, a huge number of reviewers are calling this the best Gilded Blood installment to date. So if you haven't yet started Silver Blood, or worse, haven't picked up the series at all, NOW IS THE TIME to grab it!!

Ooh, which makes this the perfect time to tell you that the entire series will be on sale next week!!! Starting Tuesday, and running allllll the way through Friday, Inked will be free, and the sequels will be steeply discounted.

So tell a friend, a lover, a seggsy swamp monster - anyone and everyone who you think will enjoy the Gilded Blood series! Because the more new readers we have ahead of April 1st, the higher chance we have of funding!!!


Have an amazing, splendiferous, stupendous, and restful weekend ahead!


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✨ A Note From Our Marketing Mistress ✨

In case you don't know, audiobooks are my jam 🍇 (okay, that's a grape, but close enough). So I groveled and begged* Rachel to let me tell you this AMAZING NEWS!

*minor exaggeration, but still- I'm very excited about this. 



That's right! Amethysts & Alchemy WON! Thank you SO MUCH for everyone who took the time to vote! I don't know if you all have listened to it yet, but this award was WELL EARNED! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 This book is so much fun, and Lia Langola absolutely CRUSHED it. 🪨 I guess Rachel is going to have to get back to writing book 2 now... 😆🤭

🖤 Courtney, A.K.A. Marketing Mistress 🖤


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