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🎉Upcoming Silver BIood 🎉 PARTAAYYY 🎉 and PhaIIic-shaped fruit! 🍌


Hello Renergades! 



We are officially ONE WEEK AWAY from the release of Silver Blood, and I have so many fun things to tell you! 😍 

First off, I should start by letting you know that Silver Blood: A Gilded Blood Prequel, is the darkest🍫, most smoldering🔥, and steamiest🌶️ of the five books. This book has MORE of everything- More feels, more laughs, more Biscuit, and most importantly, substantially more c🐓cks!!

No, not that kind of c🐓ck    🙄

To regale you with a feisty sneak peek, Courtney - my Mistress of Marketing- has hand-selected some context free quotes she thought you might enjoy:

❤️“I know what it’s like to have all your hopes and plans torn from under your feet... To feel like there’s no one in the world who believes in you... So, this is me telling you I see your potential, and I believe in you.” (dawwww 🥲)

😯 “'This woman is going to be the de@th of me....'

If only I had known just how true those words were about to become.” (yeppp pretty much)

😂 “Not to mention loud; at one point Talia's voice had grown so shrill I’d feared for the shop’s windows.” (#foreshadowing)

🔥“She bit her lower lip, filling me with the overwhelming urge to lean forward and bite it myself.” (spoiler alert: he does.)

🐦 “If a beak could curl into a smirk, that’s exactly what Hibiscus’ did. I frowned. ‘Why are you giving me that look?’ Pointedly ignoring the question, she began casually inspecting one of her claws. I half-expected her to pull an emery board from underneath her wing and start filing her nails.” (Hibiscus: the TRUE MC of the Gilded Blood series)

Oh, and PS, on February 18th, you might want to take a quick peek at the end of Silver Blood for a certain UNOFFICIAL and YET-TO-BE-DISCLOSED (but 100% happening very soon) special announcement about a certain pretty special edition of a certain upcoming release 👀

Oh, and something, something dragons.




To help celebrate Silver Blood's release, my reader group (Rachel's Renergades) will be hosting an awesome all-day party full of fun games, trivia, and a crap-ton of prizes on February 18th!

(Seriously, my accountant is giving me the side-eye with all the free goodies I'm planning on handing out!)

So if you like the sound of signed books, swag, and ph@llic-shaped fruit, BE THERE OR BE.... well, somewhere else.

But it won't be nearly as cool.


📣 LAST CALL 📣 for Street Team Sign-Ups!

The Street Team application will be closing TODAY, so be sure to sign up if you have not done so already. If you have signed up, be sure to keep an eye on your emails (and add to your address book) for more info. We will be launching the group chat sometime THIS WEEK! 🥳


On a non-Gilded-Blood note, 💚 Amethysts & Alchemy 💚 made it all the way to the semi-finals and has been nominated to take home the gold in the Fantasy Romance category for The 10th Annual Sultry Listeners Awards 🥹

If you would like to vote (and Lia and I would be so grateful if you did!) you can do so every day up until February 16th by clicking here! 


✈️ Now, I'm off to pack my bags for my first event of the season, Wild & Windy West! If you're curious where else I'll be flying off to this convention season, be sure to check out my list of events here! 

Cheers and hope to see you very soon!❤️

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Itching for MORE snark, shenanigans, and signed bananas? Come join my brand-new reader group, Rachel's Renergades! 🍌 🍌 🍌

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